Kiwi ballet dancer's dreamy UK home

 It feels fitting that the rooms of expat Kiwi ballet dancer Gail Monahan’s home are arranged in exceptionally balanced and graceful compositions. They are also spaces where everything, from delicate ceramics to family portraits, feels deeply personal and comes with a lovely story attached.

“My house is the result of my passions, which include art, ballet, music, travel, family and friendship,” she explains.

Gail moved to the UK aged 16 to study at The Royal Ballet School after being talent spotted in New Zealand – she attributes her early success to her Kiwi ballet teachers, Barbara Petty and Russell Kerr. She became a coryphΓ©e with The Royal Ballet and often shared a stage with renowned dancers Fonteyn and Nureyev.

After leaving to have a family, she later served on the dance panel for

the Olivier Awards and was a governor of The Royal Ballet. Today, she works with Dancing Times magazine, as a proofreader and contributor.


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