Re- Alfred Rewane rail terminal Ujevwu- stoking the tinder box of ethnic strife in Delta State: A call for caution


Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom”

-Vicktor Emil Frank

Before Nigeria became independent of colonial rule, several attempts were made but they met a brick wall. As you are very well aware, internal strife was more of the problem than the occupier else we would have been sovereign before 1960.

Sixty years on, those ideals of unity are still alien even when we should know better and work towards utopia. Today as a nation, we are hemorrhaging all around and within our nation. The ulcers causing so much loss of national cohesion are self-inflicted and as those you have broadcasted makes for poor prognosis.

Delta State a little over a decade ago, was a place of bloodletting and if we take our history into cognizance especially for the remote causes of the war between tribe Itsekiri-Ijaw, Itsekiri-Urhobo- then we must be ashamed that we once had to fight bloody. Generations immemorial had inter-ethnic marriages. Ahead of their time, they knew the virtues of symbiotic living therefore, the victory of one was the victory of all and the loss of one was a loss for all.

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On July 27, 2020, the Federal government named several railway infrastructure across the country after deserving Nigerians who had served the country. The wisdom behind the naming to immortalize them and have their names bo


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